MysteryoftheWildPonies - (EPUB全文下载)

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Created by Gertrude Chandler Warner
Illustrated by Hodges Soileau
ALBERT WHITMAN & Company, Chicago
Chapter 1. A Vacation from Mysteries?
Chapter 2. The Ghost Horse
Chapter 3. What Benny Saw
Chapter 4. “Don’t Tell Grandfather!”
Chapter 5. The Horsenapper
Chapter 6. A Stranger at the Clambake
Chapter 7. The Shark’s Tooth Necklace
Chapter 8. What Shad Knows
Chapter 9. SOS
Chapter 10. Benny’s Promise
About the Author
A Vacation from Mysteries?
“Look at the water!” Benny Alden exclaimed happily as Grandfather drove the station wagon over the bridge. Below, blue-green water sparkled in the bright sunlight.
Ten-year-old Violet was excited, too. “Are we at the Outer Banks yet?”
“Not yet,” said their grandfather, James Alden.
Fourteen-year-old Henry, who had been guiding Grandfather with a map, spoke to his little sister from the front seat. “Just over this long bridge, Violet, and we’re there.”
As they drove off the bridge and onto land again, Jessie Alden cheered, “Here we are!” Like the others in the family, she was looking forward to a vacation on an island off the coast of North Carolina.
At twelve, Jessie kept the Aldens organized on their many trips. Yesterday they left their home in Greenfield, Connecticut. They waved good-bye to their housekeeper, Mrs. McGregor, and to Watch, their dog, and began the long drive south.
Now they were on one of the islands that together are known as the Outer Banks. The two-lane road wound between thick bushes. Beyond the bushes the children caught glimpses of cozy houses.
Benny bounced in his seat. “I can’t see the ocean, but I can smell it.”
“I bet it’s just over that long sandy hill,” Violet said.
She breathed in the salty air. Benny was right. You could smell the ocean! Her brother was only six years old, but he was pretty smart.
Grandfather steered the station wagon into a crushed-oyster-shell parking lot and parked in front of a small building. OCEAN TIDES REALTY, read a bright sign above the door.
“Be back in a jiffy,” he said. “I’m just getting the key to our cottage.”
Benny leaned out the car window. Across the road was an ice-cream stand. “I wonder if they have fudge ripple,” he said hopefully.
“Are you hungry already?” Jessie asked him. “We had a huge lunch in Elizabeth City.”
“But that was hours ago,” Benny said.
Just then Grandfather appeared with keys dangling from a wooden cut-out gull. He saw Benny staring at the ice-cream stand and everyone laughing.

书籍《MysteryoftheWildPonies》 - 插图1
书籍《MysteryoftheWildPonies》 - 插图2


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