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“This story is about the dues that all junior investment bankers have to pay….In general, the only way for a young associate
to survive the investment banking gauntlet is either to buy into it hook, line, and sinker or to maintain some sense of humor
about what it is that he is doing. Keeping one foot grounded in reality, though, doesn’t necessarily dictate the maintenance
of any mental equilibrium. After all, if you’ve got one foot on a block of dry ice and the other on a red-hot stove, the average
temperature may be pretty comfortable but you’ll still end up with two blistered feet at the end of the day.”

“Outrageous and hilarious.”
“Well written, humorous…food for thought…timely, quick-paced.”
—Library Journal
Copyright © 2000 by John Rolfe and Peter Troob
All rights reserved.
Warner Business Books
Warner Books
Hachette Book Group
237 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017
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The Warner Business Books logo is a trademark of Warner Books.
First eBook Edition: October 2009
ISBN: 978-0-7595-2320-3
When we started writing this book, we ran into a dilemma. We had lots of stories we wanted to tell, but we also had lots of
friends who didn’t necessarily want their names associated with those stories. We knew that a story without people isn’t much
of a story, though, so we decided to make some changes.
The stories in this book are true. However, we’ve modified the identities and certain details about the people and companies
and divisions we’ve written about. All the names except our own, DLJ’s, and those of Dick Jenrette and John Chalsty, have
been changed. The dialogue has been reconstructed to the best of our memory. After all, we didn’t spend our days as investment
bankers wired up like a couple of CIA guys.

Hopefully, we’ve managed to protect the innocent and embarrass only ourselves. We’re OK with that. We hope this keeps our
friends friendly and ensures that neither of us will ever wake up with a horse’s head under our bedsheets.

Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
Recruiting: The Seeds of a Dream
Interviews and Ecstasy
Summer Boot Camp
The Courtship
Training Wheels
The Food Chain
The Business
The Sizzle
Fishing for Value
The Merry-go-round
The Bottleneck
The Holiday Party
Push the Butt ............

书籍《MonkeyBusiness》 - 插图1
书籍《MonkeyBusiness》 - 插图2


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