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Java Concurrency in Practice
 Table of Contents
 Advance Praise for Java Concurrency in Practice
 Chapter 1. Introduction
 Section 1.1. A (Very) Brief History of Concurrency
 Section 1.2. Benefits of Threads
 Section 1.3. Risks of Threads
 Section 1.4. Threads are Everywhere
 Part I: Fundamentals
 Chapter 2. Thread Safety
 Section 2.1. What is Thread Safety?
 Section 2.2. Atomicity
 Section 2.3. Locking
 Section 2.4. Guarding State with Locks
 Section 2.5. Liveness and Performance
 Chapter 3. Sharing Objects
 Section 3.1. Visibility
 Section 3.2. Publication and Escape
 Section 3.3. Thread Confinement
 Section 3.4. Immutability
 Section 3.5. Safe Publication
 Chapter 4. Composing Objects
 Section 4.1. Designing a Thread-safe Class
 Section 4.2. Instance Confinement
 Section 4.3. Delegating Thread Safety
 Section 4.4. Adding Functionality to Existing Thread-safe Classes
 Section 4.5. Documenting Synchronization Policies
 Chapter 5. Building Blocks
 Section 5.1. Synchronized Collections
 Section 5.2. Concurrent Collections
 Section 5.3. Blocking Queues and the Producer-consumer Pattern
 Section 5.4. Blocking and Interruptible Methods
 Section 5.5. Synchronizers
 Section 5.6. Building an Efficient, Scalable Result Cache
 Summary of Part I
 Part II: Structuring Concurrent Applications
 Chapter 6. Task Execution
 Section 6.1. Executing Tasks in Threads
 Section 6.2. The Executor Framework
 Section 6.3. Finding Exploitable Parallelism
 Chapter 7. Cancellation and Shutdown
 Section 7.1. Task Cancellation
 Section 7.2. Stopping a Thread-based Service
 Section 7.3. Handling Abnormal Thread Termination
 Section 7.4. JVM Shutdown
 Chapter 8. Applying Thread Pools
 Section 8.1. Implicit Couplings Between Tasks and Execution Policies
 Section 8.2. Sizing Thread Pools
 Section 8.3. Configuring ThreadPoolExecutor
 Section 8.4. Extending ThreadPoolExecutor
 Section 8.5. Parallelizing Recursive Algorithms
 Chapter 9. GUI Applications
 Section 9.1. Why are GUIs Single-threaded?
 Section 9.2. Short-running GUI Tasks
 Section 9.3. Long-running GUI Tasks
 Section 9.4. Shared Data Models
 Section 9.5. Other Forms of Single-threaded Subsystems
 Part III: Liveness, Performance, and Testing
 Chapter 10. Avoiding Liveness Hazards
 Section 10.1. Deadlock
 Section 10.2. Avoiding and Diagnosing Dea ............

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