HowtoDevelopaBrilliantMemoryWeekbyWeek - (EPUB全文下载)

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•  Step 01   How Good is Your Memory?
•  Step 02   Visualization and Observation
•  Step 03   Acronyms
•  Step 04   Turning Numbers into Sentences
•  Step 05   The Body System
•  Step 06   Association: the First Key
•  Step 07   The Link Method
•  Step 08   Location: the Second Key
•  Step 09   Imagination: the Third Key
•  Step 10   The Journey Method
•  Step 11   Concentration
•  Step 12   The Language of Numbers
•  Step 13   The Number-Rhyme System
•  Step 14   The Alphabet System
•  Step 15   How to Remember Names and Faces
•  Step 16   How to Remember Directions
•  Step 17   How to Remember Spellings
•  Step 18   How to Remember Countries and Their Capitals
•  Step 19   Learning a Foreign Language
•  Step 20   How to Remember Your Past
•  Step 21   How to Remember the Elements
•  Step 22   Develop Your Declarative Memory
•  Step 23   The Dominic System I
•  Step 24   How to Remember Jokes
•  Step 25   How to Remember Fiction
•  Step 26   Read Faster and Remember More
•  Step 27   How to Remember Quotations
•  Step 28   Memory and Mind Maps®
•  Step 29   How to Remember Speeches and Presentations
•  Step 30   The Art of Revision and Maximizing Recall
•  Step 31   The Dominic System II
•  Step 32   How to Remember Telephone Conversations
•  Step 33   The Dominic System III
•  Step 34   How to Memorize a Deck of Playing Cards
•  Step 35   How to Become a Human Calendar
•  Step 36   How to Remember Historic Dates
•  Step 37   Telephone Numbers and Important Dates
•  Step 38   How to Remember the News
•  Step 39   How to Memorize Oscar Winners
•  Step 40   How to Remember Poetry
•  Step 41   The Roman Room Method
•  Step 42   How to Remember Historic and Future Dates
•  Step 43   How to Store a Memory within a Memory
•  Step 44   How to Memorize Binary Numbers
•  Step 45   How to Memorize a Dictionary
•  Step 46   How to Memorize Multiple Decks of Cards
•  Step 47   How to Memorize a Room Full of People
•  Step 48   Healthy Body, Healthy Memory
•  Step 49   How to Win at Quiz Games
•  Step 50   Games to Boost Your Memory Power
•  Step 51   Number Memorization Exercises
•  Step 52   How Brilliant is Your Memory Now?
Further Reading
Contact the Author and Author’s Acknowledgments
Contact the Author
If you would like to contact Dominic O’Brien, he can be reached through the following web address:
Author’s Acknow ............

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