AgainstTheFallOfNight - (EPUB全文下载)

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Against The Fall Of Night
Book Jacket
SUMMARY:Against the Fall of Night is one of Arthur C. Clarke's earliest extended works of fiction. It tells the story of a young man, Alvin, the only child to be born in the enclosed city of Diaspar for many centuries.Dissatisfied with the stasis of Utopian life in the city, Alvin discovers that Diaspar is not, as its inhabitants believe, the only city left on Earth turned to desert. There is another city, Lys, whose people have remained close to nature. For Alvin, this discovery is the first step in a journey that will take him to the stars - and to the truth about the universe.In Benford's sequel Alvin's discoveries have led to a renaissance; man is reclaiming the Earth. But along with creativity, evil has returned to Earth . . .
Berkley books by Arthur C. Clarke AGAINST THE FALL OF NIGHT DOLPHIN ISLAND AGAINST THE FALL OF NIGHT ARTHUR C.CLARKE & BERKLEY BOOKS, NEW YORK AGAINST THE FALL OF NIGHT A Berkley Book / published by arrangement with the author PRINTING HISTORY Twelve previous printings Jove/HBJ edition / October 1978 Berkley edition / June 1983 All rights reserved. Copyright � 1953 by Arthur C. Clarke. Cover illustration by Vincent Di Fate. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part. by mimeograph or any other means, without permission. For information address: Berkley Publishing Corporation. 200 Madison Avenue. New York. N.Y. 10016. ISBN: 0-425-05974-X A BERKLEY BOOK � TM 757,375 The name "BERKLEY" and the stylized "B" with design are trademarks belonging to Berkley Publishing Corporation. PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PROLOGUE NOT ONCE IN A GENERA" W DID THE VOICE OF THE CITY change as it was changing now. Day and night, age after age, it had never faltered. To myriads of men it had been the first and the last sound they had ever heard It was part of the city: when it ceased the city would be dead and the desert sands would be settling in the great streets of Diaspar. Even here, half a mile above the ground, the sudden hush brought Convar out to the balcony. Far below, the moving ways were still sweeping between the great buildings, but now they were thronged with silent crowds Something had drawn the languid people of the city from their homes: in their thousands they were drifting slowly between the cliffs of colored metal. And then Convar saw that all those myriads of faces were turned towards the sky For a moment fear crept into his soul--fear lest after all these ages the Invaders h ............

书籍《AgainstTheFallOfNight》 - 插图1


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