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The 4-hour work week Summary
Best Thesys From The World Famous Best-Seller
Alexander Yunus
This summary was written as a refresher from the original New York Times bestseller "4-Hour Work Week," to recall the main points, ideas, and recommending links from the original book. It tells how to escape the rat race, boring work from 9 to 5 and achieving financial independence by working only 4 hours a week.
We tried to describe, in short, the directions, tools, steps, tips, and websites recommended in the original book. Since reading this summary does not take you more than 20 minutes, you can use it to inspire yourself every day.
However, if you have not read the original book, we highly recommend you find the time to do so, as it more fully describes many interesting ideas and advice on productivity, marketing, and getting freedom and prosperity.
This book can potentially change your life.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Legal Notes
Chapter 1. Thesis 1 - 40
Chapter 2.Thesis 41 - 80
Chapter 3.Thesis 81 - 120
Chapter 4. Thesis 121 - 161

Legal Notes
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission, in writing, from the author.
Copyright ©
Alexander Yunus
Chapter 1
• People don't want to be millionaires - they want to live a life the way (in their opinion) millionaires do.
• "The symptoms of a millionaire": free time and mobility.
• Why work to earn a million, when you can live a life of a millionaire today already?
• The right goal - both pleasure and money.
• "The perfect job," according to 90% of people, is the one, which takes the least possible time.
• “To build a successful company” often means just to gain for yourself a well-paid job with a 12-hour shift and without weekends.
• You can waste all your life with those who you don't like, buying things you don't need.
• "Others work on you" rather than "working on yourself."
• "Work less" rather than "work when you feel like."
• “Punctuate the work with leisure" rather than "retiring earlier than you're supposed to."
• "To build what you want and become who you want to be" is better than "buying everything you want."
• "Being an owner" rather than being “the boss.”
• "Earn money for something specific and pleasant" rather than "earn a lot of money."
• ............

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