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I have many people to whom I’d like to express thanks, and in true Millie fashion, I will do so in the form of a list.
✓ Alessandra Balzer, my editor and ultimate cat-lady goals, you know when to challenge me and when to let me roll around on the floor, fussing, until I’m ready to move on. Thank you for everything, but mostly thank you for never leading me astray, especially when it comes to good food, pet products, and facemasks.
✓ John Cusick, my agent, who works tirelessly and cheerfully on my behalf, and I am equally thankful for both. Thank you for breathing new life into my career and for color-coding my life.
✓ Molly Cusick, my former agent and my friend, thank you for all the years you spent nurturing my writing career and for leaving me in very capable hands.
✓ Dana Spector, my film agent, who is absolutely ferocious.
✓ Caroline Sun, my publicist, who is always busy working magic behind the scenes. Rumor has it she can exist in two places at once.
✓ Aurora Parlagreco, Alison Donalty, and Daniel Stolle, who create my truly divine covers. Your work inspires me. Thank you.
✓ My whole huge Harper family, whose passion absolutely invigorates me, but especially: Donna Bray, Bess Braswell, Audrey Diestelkamp, Patty Rosati, Molly Motch, Stephanie Macy, Kelsey Murphy, Gina Rizzo, Maggie Searcy, Bethany Reis, Laaren Brown, Veronica Ambrose, Andrea Pappenheimer, Kathleen Faber, Kerry Moynagh, Heather Doss, Caitlin Garing, the Harper360 team, Kate Jackson, and Suzanne Murphy.
✓ The HarperCollins Canada team, whose enthusiasm and hospitality are unrivaled.
✓ My sensitivity readers for their thoughtfulness and care.
✓ Natalie C. Parker, thank you for always answering when I FaceTime and for reading a very early draft and for all the endless troubleshooting.
✓ Bethany Hagen, thank you for always staying up too late with me and never making me feel guilty about sleeping in. Also, thank you for all the reading and insights and for all those good secrets.
✓ Preeti Chhibber, Sona Charaipotra, and Amy Spalding, whose feedback proved invaluable. (And who are also just really funny, badass ladies.)
✓ In no specific order, I would like to thank the following people, who have made my life and my books better just by merely existing: Kristin Treviño, Veronica Treviño, Tessa Gratton, Jessica Taylor, Dhonielle Clayton, Jeramey Kraatz, Jenny Martin, Angie Thomas, Corey Whaley, Adam Silvera, Brendan Kiely, Justina Ireland, Becky Albertal ............



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