NLP_Howyoucangetthebestoutofyourselfando.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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NLP: How you can get the best out of yourself and others using Neuro-Linguistic Programming the right way
By Thomas D Edison
©Copyright 2016 WE CANT BE BEAT LLC
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Medical and Psychological Treatment
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Competition and Deception
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Family and Friends
Chapter 1
We are all looking for ways to understand how we work. It is our nature to think about thinking, but sometimes it gives us a headache because the rabbit hole is very, very deep. This book will hopefully give you a better understanding of how and why you react a certain way through looking at how language and expression can influence you, just as Morgan Freeman’s voice makes some people go silly. Neuro-Linguistic Programming can help shed some light on why we are more musical than arty or how we can use language more efficiently and to better effect. Why waste your breath on a one-hundred-word phrase when five words will get your point across better and more to the point, it will stick. If you stick with it, you will improve your chances at achieving what you need to achieve, because you will learn how to break things down to the raw components.
What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming?
Neuro-Linguistic Programming is a psycholinguistic model that can help build rapport, change opinions, plant ideas, overcome mental disorders and facilitate personal growth amongst other beneficial functional uses, according to its creators Bandler and Grinder (1976). It is based on the idea that behaviour can be altered or influenced through manipulation of neurological processes, all of which are connected to linguistic representations in the verbal store in the long term memory and in the phonological loop where language is silently rearticulated in the working memory. It sounds like a magical miracle cure for deep-set, difficult to treat psychological conditions, but is it all top hats and bunny rabbits? It is largely dependent on other theories that refer to the unconscious mind as a powerful tool such as Erickson’s work on medical hypnotherapy and Gestalt therapists’ perceptions of how people achieve a positive mind frame. Because of this it is impossible to unequivocally assess its usability. But it has been tested under controlled conditions and has yielded surprising results which seem to support the notion that it is helping people to ............

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