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Copyright © 2017 by Thomas J. Wright.
All rights reserved.
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Set in Meridien and Futura type by IDS Infotech Ltd., Chandigarh, India.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2016957906
ISBN 978-0-300-22328-6 (hardcover : alk. paper)
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
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To my wife, Karen McMonagle
1The Convergence Myth
2Europe’s Multiple Crises
3China’s East Asia Challenge
4Geopolitics and Contagion in the Middle East
5Interdependent Competition
6Devising a Strategy
7Responsible Competition
 Epilogue: Trumpism and the Global Order
This is a book about why the post–Cold War international order has come to an end and what comes next. I started writing it in the spring of 2014, shortly after Russia’s invasion and annexation of Crimea. I finished it in December 2016, just after the United States elected Donald Trump as its forty-fifth president, a man who ran against U.S. global leadership on a nationalist platform of “America First.” These events—along with the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union—were nothing short of astonishing. But they did not come out of the blue.
The past five years saw the end of the era of convergence and the advent of a more nationalist and competitive world. In the two decades after the Cold War, all major powers appeared to be converging toward a liberal international order that promoted cooperation and integration. They all prospered in a globalized economy and shared the same challenges—terrorism, climate change, rogue states, and economic volatility—even if they disagreed from time to time on how to tackle them. Non-Western powers like Russia and China were never going to transform into liberal democracies overnight, but they appeared poised to become “responsible stakeholders” in this liberal o ............

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