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To Vanessa,For believing in us
I can’t thank the team at St. Martin’s Press enough for their support of this project. Executive Editor Tim Bartlett offered invaluable insights and comments to guide the creative process. Editorial assistant Claire Lampen made the entire process run smoothly, and for that I’m grateful. It’s been a joy to work with the entire team at St. Martin’s Press including Sally Richardson, George Witte, Laura Clark, and everyone from publicity and promotion to editing and design. Thank you for bringing The Storyteller’s Secret to life.
Roger Williams has always been more than a literary agent. I’m thankful for his mentorship, guidance, and unwavering enthusiasm.
My speaking agents Tom Neilssen and Les Tuerk, along with the entire team at BrightSight Group, play an invaluable role in helping me share this content with groups around the world. They deserve special thanks and recognition.
Mark Fortier and Norbert Beatty at Fortier PR, our outstanding publicists who I turn to for guidance. Thank you for your valuable partnership.
Carolyn Kilmer, community manager and design expert at Gallo Communications Group, is an important part of our team and she does a magnificent job of extending our content far and wide.
My wife, Vanessa Gallo, believes in the story we have to share and works tirelessly to manage Gallo Communications. She also takes a leadership role in our daughters’ school by volunteering as president of the Parent Teacher Group. It’s inspiring to watch her apply our storytelling content to the field of education. Vanessa is my guiding light.
As always, special thanks to my family for their support: Josephine, Lela, Tino, Donna, Francesco, Nick, Ken, Patty, and my mother, Giuseppina. My father, Francesco, is no longer with us, but his s ............



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