TheMindIlluminated_ACompleteMeditationGu.epub - (EPUB全文下载)
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Praise for The Mind Illuminated
About the Authors
An Overview of the Ten Stages
First Interlude: Conscious Experience and the Objectives of Meditation
Stage One: Establishing A Practice
Second Interlude: The Hindrances and Problems
Stage Two: Interrupted Attention and Overcoming Mind-Wandering
Stage Three: Extended Continuity of Attention and Overcoming Forgetting
Third Interlude: How Mindfulness Works
Stage Four: Continuous Attention and Overcoming Gross Distraction and Strong Dullness
Fourth Interlude: The Moments of Consciousness Model
Stage Five: Overcoming Subtle Dullness and Increasing Mindfulness
Fifth Interlude: The Mind-System
Stage Six: Subduing Subtle Distractions
Sixth Interlude: The Stages of an Adept
Stage Seven: Exclusive Attention and Unifying the Mind
Seventh Interlude: The Nature of Mind and Consciousness
Stage Eight: Mental Pliancy and Pacifying the Senses
Stage Nine: Mental and Physical Pliancy and Calming the Intensity of Meditative Joy
Stage Ten: Tranquility and Equanimity
Final Thoughts
Appendix A: Walking Meditation
Appendix B: Analytical Meditation
Appendix C: Loving-Kindness Meditation
Appendix D: The Jhānas
Appendix E: Mindful Review
Appendix F: Insight and the “Dark Night”
List of Tables
Table 1.
Table 2. The Ten Stages and Four Milestones
Table 3. Comparison of Peripheral Awareness and Attention
Table 4. Preparation for Meditation
Table 5. The Five Hindrances
Table 6. The Seven Problems and Their Antidotes
Table 6. The Seven Problems and Their Antidotes
Table 7. Comparing the Jhānas
List of Figures
Figure 1. Progression through the stages is not linear: Expect to be moving between stages over several sits
Figure 2: If the skills and insights you learn on the cushion don’t infuse your daily life, progress will be quite slow. It’s like filling a leaky bucket.
Figure 3. Getting annoyed with every instance of mind wandering is like tearing up the garden to get rid of the weeds.
Figure 4. Conscious awareness consists of whatever you are experiencing in the moment.
Figure 5. You may listen intently to what a person is saying while you are peripherally aware of other things.
Figure 6. Attention and awareness are two different ways of knowing the world. Attention singles out some small part of the field of conscious awareness to analyze and interpret it. Peripheral awareness provides the overall context for conscious experience.
Figure 7. Attention moves s ............
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