TheatheThursdayFairy_ARainbowMagicBook - (EPUB全文下载)

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Spectacular Seahorses
Underwater Fairy
Goblins Galore!
Flag Ahoy!
Goblin Danger
Turtle Power
“A tropical reef, a sunken ship, sea otters, seahorses, giant Japanese spider crabs, reef sharks …wow!” Rachel Walker looked up from the colorful brochure she was holding and grinned at her friend, Kirsty Tate. “We’re going to have a fabulous time here!”
The two girls had come to the Morristown Aquarium for the day with Rachel’s parents. Kirsty was spending the week of school vacation with Rachel, and they had been having a very exciting time. A very magical time, too!
“We’ll meet you back here at four o’clock,” Mrs. Walker said, as they all strolled into the lobby. “Have fun!”
“We will,” Rachel said cheerfully. Then she gazed at some of the other people nearby. “Although it doesn’t look as if anyone else is having much fun,” she whispered to Kirsty.
Kirsty looked around. Rachel was right. There were plenty of visitors at the aquarium, but they didn’t seem to be enjoying themselves.
“I don’t even like fish,” they heard one boy mutter. “Why did we have to come here?”
Rachel and Kirsty gave each other a knowing look as Rachel’s parents wandered off to look at the first exhibit. They knew exactly why the mood at the aquarium was so glum. It was because the Thursday Fun Day Flag was missing!
Rachel and Kirsty were friends with the fairies. All week, the two girls had been busy helping the fairies solve a big problem. Nasty Jack Frost had stolen the seven Fun Day Flags from the Time Tower in Fairyland. Without the flags, the Fun Day Fairies couldn’t spread their special magic around the human world. Jack Frost had taken the flags back to his castle, but he soon decided that this was a mistake: his goblins were having so much fun, they had stopped doing any work! In a rage, Jack Frost had thrown the flags into the human world, and now Rachel and Kirsty were helping the fairies find them. But Jack Frost didn’t know that the sneaky goblins were trying to get the flags back, too!
Kirsty turned to Rachel. “We’ve just got to find that Thursday flag before the goblins do,” she whispered. “We really need to cheer everybody up in here.”
“Definitely,” Rachel agreed. “But you know what the fairies say — we have to let the magic find us. So why don’t we look at some of the exhibits?” She opened the map inside her brochure, and Kirsty leaned over for a closer look.
“Ooh, seahorses, I love those,” Kirsty said, pointing to a picture.
“Let’s head for the tropical reef exhibit, then,” R ............

书籍《TheatheThursdayFairy_ARainbowMagicBook》 - 插图1
书籍《TheatheThursdayFairy_ARainbowMagicBook》 - 插图2


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