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In Remembrance of Sandra Bland
It makes no difference if you’re rich or poor
Or if you’re smart or dumb.
A woman’s place in this old world
Is under some man’s thumb,
And if you’re born a woman
You’re born to be hurt.
You’re born to be stepped on,
Lied to,
Cheated on,
And treated like dirt.
—Sandy Posey, “Born a Woman” Lyrics by Martha Sharp
I say you can’t not be bothered by a square of light!
—Reese Marie Dempster, Inmate #4602597-2 Dooling Correctional Facility for Women
She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted.
—Sen. Addison “Mitch” McConnell, speaking of Sen. Elizabeth Warren
• Truman “Trume” Mayweather, 26, a meth cook
• Tiffany Jones, 28, Truman’s cousin
• Linny Mars, 40, dispatcher, Dooling Sheriff’s Department
• Sheriff Lila Norcross, 45, of the Dooling Sheriff’s Department
• Jared Norcross, 16, a junior at Dooling High School, son of Lila and Clint
• Anton Dubcek, 26, owner and operator of Anton the Pool Guy, LLC
• Magda Dubcek, 56, Anton’s mother
• Frank Geary, 38, animal control officer, Town of Dooling
• Elaine Geary, 35, a Goodwill volunteer and Frank’s spouse
• Nana Geary, 12, a sixth grader at Dooling Middle School
• Old Essie, 60, a homeless woman
• Terry Coombs, 45, of the Dooling Sheriff’s Department
• Rita Coombs, 42, Terry’s spouse
• Roger Elway, 28, of the Dooling Sheriff’s Department
• Jessica Elway, 28, Roger’s spouse
• Platinum Elway, 8 months old, daughter of Roger and Jessica
• Reed Barrows, 31, of the Dooling Sheriff’s Department
• Leanne Barrows, 32, Reed’s spouse
• Gary Barrows, 2, son of Reed and Leanne
• Drew T. Barry, 42, of Drew T. Barry Indemnity
• Vern Rangle, 48, of the Dooling Sheriff’s Department
• Elmore Pearl, 38, of the Dooling Sheriff’s Department
• Rupe Wittstock, 26, of the Dooling Sheriff’s Department
• Will Wittstock, 27, of the Dooling Sheriff’s Department
• Dan “Treater” Treat, 27, of the Dooling Sheriff’s Department
• Jack Albertson, 61, of the Dooling Sheriff’s Department (ret.)

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