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A Life From Beginning to End
Copyright © 2016 by Hourly History.
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Table of Contents
Early Beginnings and the Italian Renaissance
Leonardo’s Personal Life
Leonardo’s Artistic Beginnings
Early Paintings
Paintings of the Sixteenth Century
Scientific Studies and Anatomy
Engineering Inventions
Later Life and Death
Facts about Leonardo da Vinci
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If I were talking to you about a man called Leonardo di ser Piero, would you know who that is? Chances are you wouldn’t. But, if I said Leonardo da Vinci, you would instantly recognize his name.
Both these people are the same man. Leonardo da Vinci would grow up to become the ultimate in what we think of as a Renaissance man—in fact, he was the original. He embodied everything that was beginning to take root in Italy in the fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries, a time in history known as the Renaissance.
Leonardo seemed to be born with a curious mind and an intellect that demanded answers for every question which he posed about science, nature, painting, sculpture, architecture, inventions, military engineering, and drafting. He dabbled in all of these areas, and brilliantly, too.
Leonardo is known as one of the greatest painters who ever lived, and many argue he was the greatest artist ever. However, his genius went far beyond the easel and his paintbrushes. His mind could conceive of almost anything, from a beautiful representation of Heaven to graphical illustrations of the human body in a time when there were no such things as CAT scans or x-rays.
Leonardo’s lifetime was spent observing and doing so in many different venues. His notebooks were filled with examples of what it means to be human. He looked at life from numerous perspectives and recorded all he saw.
From light and shade to perspective and visual perception, from botany and landscape to physical sciences and astronomy, from architecture and planning to sculpture and experiments, from inventing to philosophy, there was nothing that didn’t touch Leonardo da Vinci.
By the time of his death, Leonardo had seemed to capture the very heart of Europe. Everyone knew who he was—and this in an age when communication was slim to none. Quite an accomplishment for someone born a bastard ............
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