DiagramsforLiving_TheBibleUnveiled - (EPUB全文下载)

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The Bible Unveiled
  Chapter 1 Your Wrestling Angel
  Chapter 2 The Balanced Soul
  Chapter 3 Water, Women, and the Moon
  Chapter 4 “Man the Builder”
  Chapter 5 Turning the Tide of Trouble
  Chapter 6 The Called, the Chosen, and the Faithful
  Chapter 7 The Fourth Man
  Chapter 8 A Tale of Two Women
  Chapter 9 War in Heaven
Chapter 10 Miracles
Chapter 11 Can the Stars Help You?
Chapter 12 Marriage and Divorce
Chapter 13 What Jesus Taught About Christmas
Chapter 14 How to Un-worry
Chapter 15 The Robe, the Ring, and the Shoes
Chapter 16 Shipwreck
Chapter 17 The Second Coming of the Christ
Chapter 18 The Anatomy of Healing
Chapter 19 The Power in Your Name
Chapter 20 The Resurrection of the World
                  Other Books by Emmet Fox
                  About the Publisher
THE present volume fulfills another promise made by Emmet Fox to his students and friends to “unveil” a cross section of the Bible in narrative form; not only to make the Bible come alive for modern readers but also to open up to their consciousness the diagrams for living that the Bible has veiled in symbol and allegory.
To quote Dr. Fox: “Some people wonder why the Bible has to be unveiled at all, and the answer is that the Bible is written in symbol and allegory, for many reasons, but chiefly because that is the only method by which the teaching could be made fit for every kind of person at every stage of spiritual development in every age. While the Bible contains much authentic history and biography, it also contains a great mass of parables and allegories. The chief difficulty in modern times that intelligent people have had to meet is that they have not understood that some of the things in the Bible that used to be taught as fact are really allegory, and contain great diagrams of our personal destinies.”
This book has been compiled from the hundreds of lectures and class lessons that Emmet Fox delivered to tens of thousands in such vast halls as Royal Albert Hall in London; Carnegie Hall in New York; the old Hippodrome and the Manhattan Opera House, where audiences numbered five to six thousand twice a week; the Biltmore and Astor hotels; the Palace Hotel in San Francisco; and many others in the United States and abroad.
Chapter 1
Your Wrestling Angel
And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled a man with him until the breaking of the day.
YOU are an important ............

书籍《DiagramsforLiving_TheBibleUnveiled》 - 插图1
书籍《DiagramsforLiving_TheBibleUnveiled》 - 插图2


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