SilverontheTree - (EPUB全文下载)

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Silver on the Tree
Susan Cooper © 1977
Book 5 of 5 in "The Dark is Rising" series
Scanned September 2002 reader51 v1.0
A Puffin Book   Published by Penguin Books
'When the Dark is rising - six shall turn it back,' ran the prophetic rhyme. And in this, the fifth and last book, the story which began with Will Stanton's discovery that he was the last of the Old Ones, wielders on Earth of the giant powers of good and evil, is brought to a triumphant climax. But the search for the crystal sword is a daunting task which leads the chosen six from high summer in England to the dark hills of Wales and the haunting, magical, lost land between sea and shore.
On the day of the dead, when the year too dies,
Must the youngest open the oldest hills
Through the door of the birds, where the breeze breaks.
There fire shall fly from the raven boy,
And the silver eyes that see the wind,
And the Light shall have the harp of gold.
By the pleasant lake the Sleepers lie,
On Cadfan's Way where the kestrels call;
Though grim from the Grey King shadows fall,
 Yet singing the golden harp shall guide
To break their sleep and bid them ride.
When light from the lost land shall return,
Six Sleepers shall ride, six Signs shall burn,
And where the midsummer tree grows tall
By Pendragon's sword the Dark shall fall.
Y maent yr mynyddoedd yn canu,
ac y mae'r arglwyddes yn dod.
Part One: When the Dark Comes Rising
Midsummer's Eve
Black Mink
The Calling
Midsummer Day
Part Two: The Singing Mountains
The Bearded Lake
Three from the Track
Part Three: The Lost Land
The City
The Rose-Garden
The Empty Palace
The Journey
The Mari Llwyd
Caer Wydyr
The King of the Lost Land
Part Four: The Midsummer Tree
The Train
The River
The Rising
One Goes Alone
Part One: When the Dark Comes Rising
Midsummer's Eve
Will said, turning a page, 'He liked woad. He says - listen - the decoction of Woad drunken is good for wounds in bodies of a strong constitution, as of country people, and such as are accustomed to great labour and hard coarse fare.'
'Such as me, and all other members of Her Majesty's Navy,' Stephen said. With great precision he pulled a tall, heavy-headed stem of grass out of its sheath, and lay back in the field nibbling it.
 'Woad,' said James, wiping a mist of sweat from his plump pink face. 'That's the blue stuff the Anci ............

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