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Programming Erlang, Second Edition
Software for a Concurrent World
by Joe Armstrong
Version: P1.0 (August 2013)Copyright © 2013 Pragmatic Programmers, LLC. This book is licensed to
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Table of ContentsIntroduction What’s This Book About? Who Is This Book For? New in This Edition Road Map The Code in This Book Help! It Doesn’t Work AcknowledgmentsI. Why Erlang? 1. Introducing Concurrency 1.1 Modeling Concurrency 1.2 Benefits of Concurrency 1.3 Concurrent Programs and Parallel Computers 1.4 Sequential vs. Concurrent Programming Languages 2. A Whirlwind Tour of Erlang 2.1 The Shell 2.2 Processes, Modules, and Compilation 2.3 Hello, ConcurrencyII. Sequential Programming 3. Basic Concepts 3.1 Starting and Stopping the Erlang Shell 3.2 Simple Integer Arithmetic 3.3 Variables 3.4 Floating-Point Numbers 3.5 Atoms 3.6 Tuples 3.7 Lists 3.8 Strings 3.9 Pattern Matching Again 4. Modules and Functions 4.1 Modules Are Where We Store Code 4.2 Back to Shopping 4.3 Funs: The Basic Unit of Abstraction 4.4 Simple List Processing 4.5 List Comprehensions 4.6 BIFs 4.7 Guard ............
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