IfHisHeartisHood,HisLoveisForever3 - (EPUB全文下载)

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If His Heart Is Hood,
His Love Is Forever 3

By: KC Mills
Bronx Harris
I grunted out as I lifted my phone to my ear after removing it from my pocket. I didn’t even bother to open my eyes to see who was calling. My fucking head was pounding, and I felt like shit.
“Where the fuck are you?” Brim yelled through my line so loud that I felt my face ball up as I pulled my phone away from my ear for a moment.
Good fucking question,
but I damn sure didn’t need him yelling that shit in my ear with the way I was feeling. I slowly opened my eyes, but then immediately shut them again until I was prepared to deal with the sunlight that apparently was not going anywhere.
The room that I was in was bright as fuck because of the sunlight that shined through the big ass window, which was positioned few feet away from me with the curtains wide open.
I was temporarily confused about my surroundings until I realized that I was in a hotel room. Not just any room, but based on the vague memories that I had from the night before, this was Harper’s room.
“Bronx, did you hear me? Wake your ass up. Where the fuck are you? Please tell me that you’re not still with that bitch. I swear to God I want to beat your ass right now,” my brother yelled, bringing my attention back to my call.
I moved my hand down my face several times and tried to focus for a minute before I stood up slowly, due to the fact that my fucking head was swimming like a muthafucker.
“Nigga, I hear you, and why the fuck are you yelling at me? Don’t worry about where I am.”
“Apparently, I need to be worried since your ass clearly isn’t.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I barked at him as I made my way through Harper’s hotel suite.
She was nowhere to be found, and this bitch looked empty as hell. Like no one was occupying it but me type of empty.
The fuck?
“Nigga, you don’t know?”
“Know what? Stop talking in muthafuckin’ circles. My head is pounding, and I’m not in the mood.”
“Oh, my nigga, you better be in the got damn mood. You have no idea the bullshit attached to your name right now. Did you fuck Harper last night?”
“No, well… shit, I don’t remember. How the hell do you even know I saw her?”
“It isn’t me knowing that you need to worry about. The entire fucking world knows that you saw her. If you didn’t fuck her, it sure looks like you did. That bitch leaked a video of her sucking your dick.”
I wasn’t sure why, but Reason was the first thought I had. That went away quickly when I remem ............

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书籍《IfHisHeartisHood,HisLoveisForever3》 - 插图2


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