《时尚女魔头》《穿普拉达的恶魔》英文原版 - (TXT全文下载)


《时尚女魔头》《The Devil Wears Prada》《穿普拉达的恶魔》英文原版


  畅销职场小说《时尚女魔头》《The Devil Wears Prada》,该书作者系全球顶级杂志《VOGUE》离职助理劳伦・魏丝伯格(Lauren Weisberger),以犀利幽默的笔触述了由一名大学毕业生跻身时尚圈内部的曲折离奇经历,影射出时尚界的众生百态,从某种程度上也揭示了时尚圈不为人知的内幕及真相。
劳伦・魏丝伯格本人就是一个从学校刚毕业不久的女孩,她在毕业之后进入了顶顶大名的美国《Vogue》杂志担任总编辑助理。大概在工作了一年后辞职,之后就写了这本书,把她自己的工作经历写了出来。书中那个号称是从 地狱里来的老板毫无疑问就是现实生活中的美国版《Vogue》主编Anna Wintour,由于“老百姓们对于名人及富人们的生活总是好奇的,如果这些家伙在光鲜外表之下还有那么些‘不太漂亮的事’那更是会掉足读者胃口。该书在国外一问世就引起广泛争议,尤其是时尚界反响强烈,雄踞《纽约时报》畅销排行近三十周。


  The light hadn’t even officially turned green at the intersection of
  17th and Broadway before an army of overconfident yellow cabs roared
  past the tiny deathtrap I was attempting to navigate around the city
  streets.Clutch, gas, shift (neutral to first? Or first to
  second?),release clutch , I repeated over and over in my head, the
  mantra offering little comfort and even less direction amid the
  screeching midday traffic. The little car bucked wildly twice before
  it lurched forward through the intersection. My heart flip-flopped
  in my chest. Without warning, the lurching evened out and I began to
  pick up speed. Lots of speed. I glanced down to confirm visually
  that I was only in second gear, but the rear end of a cab loomed so
  large in the windshield that I could do nothing but jam my foot on
  the brake pedal so hard that my heel snapped off. Shit! Another pair
  of seven-hundred-dollar shoes sacrificed to my complete and utter
  lack of grace under pressure: this clocked in as my third such
  breakage this month. It was almost a relief when the car stalled
  (I’d obviously forgotten to press the clutch when attempting to
  brake for my life). I had a few seconds―peaceful seconds if one
  could overlook the angry honking and varied forms of the word “fuck”
  being hurled at me from all directions―to pull off my Manolos and
  toss them into the passenger seat. There was nowhere to wipe my
  sweaty hands except for the suede Gucci pants that hugged my thighs
  and hips so tightly they’d both begun to tingle within minutes of my
  securing the final button. My fingers left wet streaks across the ............


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书云 Open E-Library » 《时尚女魔头》《穿普拉达的恶魔》英文原版 - (TXT全文下载)