Mr.KlutzIsNuts! - (EPUB全文下载)

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My Weird School #2
Mr. Klutz Is Nuts!
Dan Gutman
Pictures by
Jim Paillot
To Emma
1   The Flying Principal
2   Big Trouble
3   The Principal Is Your Pal
4   The Present
5   My Big Mouth
6   The Chocolate Party
7   Teacher for a Day
8   Mr. Klutz Puckers Up
9   I Pledge Allegiance to Mr. Klutz
10   Mr. Klutz Is Getting Weirder
11   The Last Straw
12   A Hard Bargain
13   Poor Mr. Klutz
About the Author and the Illustrator
About the Publisher
The Flying Principal
“Watch out!” somebody screamed.
Mr. Klutz, the principal of my school, was tearing down the sidewalk on a skateboard! It was early morning, just before the school bell was about to ring.
Mr. Klutz must have built up too much speed coming down the hill. He was weaving in and around the kids and their parents, totally out of control. Most principals are really serious and dignified. They look like they were born as grown-ups! But not Mr. Klutz. He’s more like a grown-up kid. When he isn’t skateboarding to school, he rides his motorcycle, his scooter, or wears his in-line skates.
“Runaway principal!” some kid shouted. “Run for your lives!”
The skateboard must have hit a crack in the sidewalk, because the next thing anybody knew, Mr. Klutz was flying through the air like a superhero. Kids and their parents were diving out of his way. Dogs were running in all directions.
Mr. Klutz crash-landed in the bushes at the front of the school. Luckily he was wearing a helmet, and he had knee pads and elbow pads on over his clothes. Everybody stopped for a second, because Mr. Klutz was just lying there in the bushes without moving. We weren’t sure if he was alive.
“Good morning, Mr. Klutz,” said Mrs. Cooney, the school nurse, as she walked past.
“Good morning, Mrs. Cooney,” he replied.
“Beautiful day, isn’t it?”
Then Mr. Klutz got up, brushed himself off, and walked up the front steps, like it was totally normal for a principal to skateboard to school and crash headfirst into the bushes.
Mr. Klutz is nuts!
Big Trouble
“That’s the last straw, A.J.,” my teacher, Miss Daisy, told me. “I want you to go to the principal’s office!”
“I didn’t do anything!” I protested.
My name is A.J. and I hate school. Why do we have to learn so much stuff? If you ask me, by the time you get to second grade you already know enough stuff to last you a lifetime. School is way overrated.
My mom says that all eight-year-old boys have to go to school, so I guess there’s nothing I can do ab ............

书籍《Mr.KlutzIsNuts!》 - 插图1
书籍《Mr.KlutzIsNuts!》 - 插图2


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