TheMillionaireFastlane_CracktheCodetoWea.epub - (EPUB全文下载)

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"MJ has written a hard hitting, fast paced, no punches pulled financial roadmap that leaves me wishing I had back the untold thousands I've spent on books, tapes, seminars and supposed products by the GURUs that were going to show me the way. He lays bare the truth about the different life paths people choose and provides the MATH that shows you unequivocally, that you've been fed a bill of goods. This book is a wake up call of epic proportions and I think some of those talking head guru's (Orman, Kiyosaki, Bach, etc.) are going to put a price on his head.
If you're someone desiring success while still young enough to enjoy it, this book delivers by the truckload. You can tell within the first 50 pages that this isn't some hokey self-help, chants and crystals's a labor of love from a man who clearly doesn't need the money. Why are you still reading my review, get this book, and you'll be on your way to OWNING your future rather than leasing it out to someone else. This book is a GAME-CHANGER, nothing less... "
— J. Cronstedt, Orange County, CA
“The Fastlane mentality is a refreshing perspective on growing wealth in time to enjoy it. I am so tired of the traditional advice of working hard and saving gradually. This Slowlane approach was not working for me. MJ helped me realize what was possible, and I am ‘accelerating’ faster than I could have imagined. My business and my net worth is growing every day. I hate to imagine where I would be today without The Fastlane.”
— Skyler R., Idaho Falls, Idaho
“Before I discovered The Fastlane, I had the opinion that money had to be earned by working for someone else 10 hours a day for at least 50 years. I thought that making millions was only for those who had either rich parents or luck. Now I know better—making millions neither requires rich parents nor luck. It requires the knowledge of how to make those millions. And through the Fastlane, I was able to acquire this knowledge.”
— Florian F., Ausburg, Germany
“To say that your advice and the ‘Fastlane principles’ you teach have changed my life is an understatement. I KNEW there was a better life out there, but I had become frustrated about how to reach it. After reading months of your free advice in the free Fastlane Forum, it all started coming together for me. I began to see WHY I was living paycheck to paycheck, and I decided then that I was going to escape it. Four years later, I have almost quadrupled my net worth. I have saved and invested mor ............

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